Europe is a complex region. In order to meet the performance metrics of a PBL construct in Europe one needs a thoughrough understandin of the European region. There is no single company nor organisation that is able to meet the demands of the F-35 program.
Based on detailed knowlegde of the F-35 program and broad support from government, logistics industry and knowledge institutes OneLogistics is the consortium that is able to prove best in class sustainment supply chain solutions for the European region.
Specific European rules and regulations in terms of customs & VAT, ITAR & export compliance, road transport, hazardous materials create complexities in supporting the F-35 global sustainment solution for the European region. OneLogistics support the F-35 program in overcoming these complexities and ensure the promises to the various Airforces.

European supply chain support
for the F-35 sustainment program
for the F-35 sustainment program
European challengesEuropean challenges for the F-35 program analyzed in 7 movies
Supply Chain Scenario's15 supply chain scenario’s focussing on all F-35 logistics elements
Performance Based LogisticsTimely identification of lagging performance
Design principlesPowerful statements upon which OneLogistics has been built
IndustriesSolutions for other industries